​The American Association of Corporate Optometrists, AACO, invites you to join our community and be part of the only non-profit association that serves as the national voice of Corporate Optometrists! AACO is a dynamic group of corporate optometrists whose mission is to serve all Optometrists practicing in a corporate retail setting.

We serve our members by helping them improve their optometric practices through relevant educational programming, practice marketing programs, discounts on POS systems, EHR systems, equipment discounts, billing & coding resources and more.
Membership in AACO includes:
Member pricing for all AACO Education COPE CE Events Annually
AACO Annual Conference
AACO Regional Conference
Discounted pricing on ophthalmic industry meetings
SECO CE Programs Discounts
Free Tradeshow pass and discounted CE for Vision Expo events
Unlimited access to the AACO Knowledge Center: Includes online education, videos, and downloadable resources
Be Heard! Opportunities to Participate in Research Study Programs and Industry Surveys
A subscription to the AACO Magazine, The Corporate Optometrist, and other AACO Publications
Bundled EHR Program Discounts (EHR package special 12-month price for members)
Equipment Discounts for AACO members (including Topcon, Maculogix, Optos, and more!)
Endless networking opportunities - connections with ODs that practice in the same corporate environment as you!